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Join our kickboxing club today!

Get Fit, Get Fast, Get Great!

Quick Join

Ready to join our dynamic kickboxing classes? It's easy!

Click this link to quickly book your spot through the club's calendar.

If you need assistance with the booking process via our calendar, refer to our quick guide here.

Feel free to reach out via our contact form or call us at 0113 205 7433, and we'll gladly assist you.

Quick Guide: How to Access the Calendar and Book Classes

Follow these simple steps to get started:

Sign Up via Email In the email you received, click the link provided. This will take you to a sign-up page. Fill in your details and you’ll be given the option to download the app.

Download and Log In After downloading the app, sign in using the details you just created. You'll be asked to complete a few questions on a PAR-Q form. Once done, the Elemental Fitness logo will appear on your screen.

Access the Calendar Tap the nine dots in the bottom-right corner of the screen. This will open a menu with several icons. Simply press the one labeled ‘Calendar’. Don’t worry if the calendar appears blank at first!

Find Classes Next, tap the man with a cog icon in the bottom-left corner. Under ‘Trainer Calendar,’ you’ll see ‘EKA Classes.’ Select this, and the upcoming classes will appear. If you see circles around specific dates on the calendar, that means there’s a class on that day. Scroll down to see the full month’s schedule.

Book Your Class Tap on the date you'd like to book, and all available classes will be displayed. Select your desired class and scroll to the bottom of the screen where you’ll see ‘Book Event.’ Tap it, and you’re all set!


First 4 classes £20.00. No strings, no commitment, just great training.