​Saturday 1st June Squad Training Recap: Pushing Limits


​Saturday 1st June Squad Training Recap: Pushing Limits

By: Elemental Kickboxing Leeds elementalkickboxing, kickboxingleeds, teameka

​Saturday 1st June Squad Training Recap: Pushing Limits

​Saturday Squad Training Recap: Pushing Limits

Saturday's squad team training was absolutely phenomenal! Despite being one of the toughest sessions we've had, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and pushed themselves to new heights.

Full Contact Training Without the Full Contact

We kicked things off by diving into the concept of full contact style training without the actual sparring element. The idea was to simulate the intensity and impact of a real fight scenario. Imagine kicking with all your might and then getting hit back when you’re trying to catch your breath. It was a true test of resilience and stamina.

Kicking Drills

In pairs, we worked with strike shields, moving from the railings to the mirrors with front kicks, side kicks, and round kicks. After completing the circuit twice, we swapped partners. Before switching pads, each partner had to punch the other in the abs 10 times. This drill not only enhanced our kicking power but also conditioned our core to withstand impact.

Intense Fitness Routine

Next, we moved into a gruelling 10-minute fitness routine focused on power front kicks. At each end of the gym, we performed 10 tuck jumps, totalling 80 tuck jumps by the end of the drill. This routine was designed to exhaust our legs, and it certainly did the job. The effort everyone put in was incredible, showing great determination and endurance.

Light Contact Sparring

To wrap up, we engaged in some light contact sparring. Despite our heavy legs and tired bodies, the rounds of sparring were some of the best we've ever seen from our students. The technique, strategy, and spirit displayed was impressive. If this is how they perform in training, we have all the confidence in the team at their first competition.

Looking Ahead

Given the impressive performances, we believe we should seize the opportunity to compete before the summer break. The squad members who attended on Saturday are more than ready to compete in their respective categories. If we can find a suitable date, Josh says 'we go for it!'

Overall, Saturday's session was a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team. Everyone showed great spirit and resilience, and we are incredibly proud of your progress.

Let's keep this momentum going and prepare for an exciting competition season ahead!

Squad Training

Squad Training

Interested in attend our next training session?