Elemental Kickboxing Leeds: Squad Training Highlights - 29th June 2024


Elemental Kickboxing Leeds: Squad Training Highlights - 29th June 2024

By: Elemental Kickboxing Leeds SquadTraining, FightAnalysis, ReactionTraining

Elemental Kickboxing Leeds: Squad Training Highlights - 29th June 2024

Elemental Kickboxing Leeds: Squad Training Highlights - 29th June 2024

On the 29th of June, the Elemental Kickboxing Leeds squad gathered for an intense and insightful training session. We kicked off the class with a moment of celebration, congratulating Leon on his remarkable achievement of winning gold in his recent competition. This victory provided the perfect learning opportunity for the squad, so we delved into an in-depth discussion with Leon about his experiences.

Leon’s Game Plan and Fight Analysis

Leon shared his game plan, detailing his strategy before stepping into the ring. He discussed what worked well during the fight, the moments when he had to adapt his initial plan, and his thoughts after the match. This conversation was invaluable, offering insights into the mindset and tactics of a successful fighter.

We then watched Leon's fight, analysing each round meticulously. Observing both Leon and his opponent allowed us to understand the dynamics of the fight, from strategic moves to spontaneous reactions. This exercise was aimed at getting into the fighter’s mind, helping us grasp the thought process behind each decision made in the ring.

Training Focus: Reaction and Adaptation

Building on the analytical session, we transitioned into practical training. Our first drill involved making our opponents react to a jab. This exercise was designed to teach us how to read our opponents and respond with a counter combination of our choosing. As we practiced, we discovered that our partners had certain tells when executing specific techniques. This realisation led us to refine our jabs, focusing on eliminating the obvious shoulder tell and throwing the jab fist first.

Next, we reviewed another fight to identify the fighters' game plans and understand the scoring system in both light continuous and full contact kickboxing. This review reinforced the importance of strategy and adaptability in the ring.

Advanced Techniques: Disguising Attacks

To wrap up the session, we conducted an exercise similar to the reaction jab, this time using a lead leg round kick. The objective was to disguise our kick as effectively as we did our jab, honing our ability to read and respond to our partners' reactions. This drill emphasised the significance of subtlety and unpredictability in our movements.

The squad training on the 29th of June was a comprehensive blend of theoretical learning and practical application. By celebrating Leon's success and dissecting his fight, we gained valuable insights into strategic thinking and adaptability. The drills further reinforced these lessons, enhancing our ability to read opponents and disguise our techniques. This session was a testament to the continuous learning and development that Elemental Kickboxing Leeds fosters in its fighters.

Stay tuned for more updates and training highlights!

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